Martin Perreault Looks to Bring the Title Back Home to Quebec
The Amateur Superbike class has been dominated by one man, Martin Perreault. The current championship points leader looks to cement the title during the final round of the season in September, however the road to get here has been a long and fun one to say the least.
Hailing from Quebec, Perreault got his start in the ASM race school. Having done motorcycles all his life, Perreault had never really considered racing them until fairly recently. However, once he ran his first race he was hooked.
“I used to run in ASM at Saint-Eustache and I raced there for about 5 or 6 years,” Perrault said. “I did a couple races with them and I knew I was able to do something good, some people around me had told me to go race at Shannonville. I tried it and I loved it and then I came to the Super Series and that’s the day I started racing.”
Racing in AM Superbike, Perreault is able to run in the class he loves as well as some stiff competition. After round one, Perreault was in complete control scoring back to-back wins and holding off the competition from Richard Diaz and Andy Chilton. Meanwhile in round two, the competition got stiffer with Alex Radecki and Dan Lewczuk taking victories of their own.
“This is the class I love the most,” Perreault added. “I’m gonna try racing 600s next year but the 1000s is where I’m the most comfortable. It’s my class, it’s the bike made for me and racing the 1000s with Dan and Richard Diaz is a lot of fun for me and I like that a lot.”
After the 2019 season, Autodrome Saint-Eustache was torn down to make way for a Hydro Quebec plant. A crushing loss to many racers and riders, Perreault has found a new home at Shannonville.
With the Series taking on the Pro Track layout for round three, it bears a lot of similarities to the old ASE facility. Given Perreault’s experience, he believes it will help him significantly in his quest for the championship.
“Saint-Eustache was a fast track, the feeling of the Pro Track is really similar.” Perreault said. “While it might look a lot of different, there are corners that feel very similar. I get the same feeling when I turn laps at the Pro Track that I did when I used to run at Saint-Eustache. I think it will be a very fun race weekend.”
Motorcycle racing has also been near and dear to Perreault’s heart. Having grown up around bikes and other two-wheeled speedsters, his passion stemmed from an early age and is one that hasn’t gone away even into his 50s.
“I’ve been racing bikes since I was young,” Perreault said. “My father is a farmer and I did small bikes when I was young. I would ride them around the farm and as I got older I fell in love with the feeling of riding and it’s stuck with me ever since.”
With the season winding to a close, Perreault is inching ever so close to his first AM Superbike title in the Super Series era. Bringing the title home to Quebec would mean more than just a plate at the end of the year, but a sense of pride knowing he was the best rider the whole season.
Allez-y Martin!